Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Masters of Our Destiny

Consider the following situation.. You want to be involved in a major project.. The project is a very important and prestigious one.. You feel you would really do well.. You think you can do it.. but that optimism does'nt last long when you see the kind of team mates you would have, if you join the project.. So the short lived optimism soon leads to extreme pessimism.. you, infact, begin think if your very exixtence is a waste.. Is such a situation common among individuals, living in a highly competitve environment???..
It is very depressing when one thinks of the past mistakes.. The natural human tendency is to base all our judgements on the past results.. Since-I-have-failed-in-the-last-test-there-is-high-probability-that-I-wouldnt-make-this-one-too is some teeny-weeny thought in one corner of our minds .. Such a small thought.. but a really disasterous one.. It is just sufficient to drown the already-weak self-confidence in a sea of pessimism and murder any new born enthusiasm..
As homo sapiens, we are responsible for our thoughts and actions.. The human mind conjures unwanted thoughts if left alone (no doubt about it.. "it is too little to be left alone").. It is up to us to control these thoughts and decide what we need to think and what is not to be thought.. difficult judgements to be made but nothing like the total control of mind.. Whether we succeed or fail is all in our thoughts.. they can make us or at times really break us.. so as Swami Vivekananda said "WE ARE THE MASTERS OF OUR DESTINY.".. what we become after all is in our own hands...
Last but not the least, what we fail to realise or comprehend is that sucess is not always about winning or being the highest scorer ( in anything ).. It is not being famous for inventions and discoveries or being a geek either .. Well what could it be then?? One thing that is certain is that doing anything beacause we HAVE to do it and because we WANT to do is analogous to drinking a bitter medicine and drinking honey.. The euphoria of success is not found by just achieving all the goals.. achieving them grudgingly leaves a really bitter taste.. To be really successful, one has to enjoy anything and everything that is done..
After all, Success is synonymous to "self satisfaction"..

Monday, January 09, 2006


Hmm.. What kinda question is "why"?? Is it necessary that every "why" needs to have an answer?? Sometimes, try as hard as you might, you cant the find the answer to a "why". Its just as weird that you don't want an answer to any other question but that particular "why". Alas.. If only we knew "why" on earth we wanted an answer for a "why"?? (Recursive eh??..)


Can one keep count of the number of thoughts that run through a human mind in a day ? What about a minute ? Or just a second?? Countless I would presume.. How is a mass of flesh, feeding on oxygen along with a mesh of wires called neurons, able to think up the most amazing ideas??!!

Well.. The working of a human brain is just amazing and astonishing.. an Engima..