A jewel in the sky,
That catches your eye,
A red ball of fire,
Seeing it, you never tire...
You get thinking
As you see it sinking,
You could say,
Its the end of today..
A pleasant relaxing sight,
With the vanishing light,
Having worked from dawn to dusk,
Smell the air full of musk...
Yet another day is gone,
And you are alone,
Realization being stark,
That you remain in dark...
1 comment:
I'm a web crawler for past one hour this night and couldn't move further without leaving a comment on your blog.
I read three of blogs and found it's just the exact replay of what I was going through all these days. Looks like you are not satisfied about how you spend time. Here is a point I like would to share.
Always do things that gives you pleasure. Writing a damn Java app' may not give you pleasure but think about the logic that you put into and what you learn out of that experience. Compiling linux kernel give me pleasure and I love to spend time on it. For some of my friends its reading books. If you don't see a value in what you are doing, look for an opportunity and grab it. In my case it was a damn JavaScript app'. you may agree that nothing builds up in a day. Programming is an art, you have to carve it, shape it day over day and most important is to finish it. My art teacher used to say that 'no matter how bad the initial work is, finish it to the end' and he is correct. You could sacrifice a hike of 10 but put your manager in a obligation where he/she can't deny to give you the cream of the work. If needed grab it before others even have a eye on it.
My friends always make fun out my fundas as 'theories', so I wont shed it here and there, but I see a reality in your blogs so I shed some theory here :)
In one of the blogs one expression says life is so flat but reality is that you were born rich and intelligent. what you saw was smooth transition. Fact is that all those transitions you came across were because you took some opportunity and won it.
So all you need is to look/wait for one more opportunity, pursue it and I'm sure you put your fist up just like Federer does after a grand slam win. All the best.
-Gultiland cowboy
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